Descrizione immobile
Dove si trova
Regione: Umbria
Provincia: Perugia
Comune: Tuoro sul trasimeno
Superficie (M.q.) 110
Richiesta euro 120.000 Trattabili
A tuoro sul trasimeno vendesi appartamento al terzo piano di piccolo condominio, con ampio piazzale con accesso al garage di proprietà. Dal garage si accede alle scale condominiali per salire alla casa. L'unità dispone di ampio soggiorno con accesso alla terrazza panoramica. Una bella vista sula lago trasimeno e ad ovest sul castello di Monte qualandro. L'appartamento dispone di cucina abitabile con uleriore terrazzino, due ampie camere da letto matrimoniali delle quali una con accesso al terrazzo panoramico. Due ampi bagni completano l'appartamento, uno con vasca, uno con vasca e doccia. Il riscaldamento è assicurato da termosifoni in ghisa alimentati da caldaia a metano.
In Tuoro sul Trasimeno, apartment for sale on the third floor of a small condominium, with a large courtyard with access to the garage. From the garage you can access the condominium stairs to go up to the house. The unit has a large living room with access to the panoramic terrace. A beautiful view of Lake Trasimeno and to the west of the castle of Monte Qualandro. The apartment has a kitchen with an additional terrace, two large double bedrooms, one of which has access to the panoramic terrace. Two large bathrooms complete the apartment, one with a bathtub, one with a bathtub and shower. Heating is provided by cast iron radiators powered by a methane boiler.
In Tuoro sul Trasimeno, apartment for sale on the third floor of a small condominium, with a large courtyard with access to the garage. From the garage you can access the condominium stairs to go up to the house. The unit has a large living room with access to the panoramic terrace. A beautiful view of Lake Trasimeno and to the west of the castle of Monte Qualandro. The apartment has a kitchen with an additional terrace, two large double bedrooms, one of which has access to the panoramic terrace. Two large bathrooms complete the apartment, one with a bathtub, one with a bathtub and shower. Heating is provided by cast iron radiators powered by a methane boiler.