Descrizione immobile
Antico castelletto con Torre longobarda circondato da annessi e terra di pertinenza a circa 250/280 metri di altezza. Sono circa 980 mq di cubature. Il corpo principale è diviso in quattro piani di circa 150 mq ciascuno compresa la vecchia torre. Attualmente dispone di tre appartamenti dei quali uno abitabile e gli altri due da riadeguare. Annessi in pietra e mattoni rossi attorno al resede stesso e terra a scelta in vendita fino a 2000/3000 mq attorno dello stesso proprietario. Accesso agevole da strada asfaltata. Arezzo e Cortona a pochi chilometri di distanza. Informazioni in agenzie trattative riservate.
Old castle with Lombard Tower surrounded by outbuildings and land attributable to approximately 250/280 meters in height. There are about 980 square meters of space requirements. The main body is divided into four floors of approximately 150 square meters each including the old tower. Currently it has three apartments of which one habitable and the other two to readjust. stone outbuildings and red bricks. Around the same courtyard land for sale until 2000/3000 square meters of the same owner. Easy access by paved road. Arezzo and Cortona, a few kilometers away. Consult the agency confidential negotiations.
Dove si trova
Regione: Toscana
Provincia: Arezzo
Comune: Arezzo
Superficie (M.q.)
Prezzo richiesto
Old castle with Lombard Tower surrounded by outbuildings and land attributable to approximately 250/280 meters in height. There are about 980 square meters of space requirements. The main body is divided into four floors of approximately 150 square meters each including the old tower. Currently it has three apartments of which one habitable and the other two to readjust. stone outbuildings and red bricks. Around the same courtyard land for sale until 2000/3000 square meters of the same owner. Easy access by paved road. Arezzo and Cortona, a few kilometers away. Consult the agency confidential negotiations.
Dove si trova
Regione: Toscana
Provincia: Arezzo
Comune: Arezzo
Superficie (M.q.)
Prezzo richiesto